Shelly, Ricardo D vs Shanyan K, Jeremy W: 6-0, 7-5
The match is valid for the following categories:
Rating computation log:
Evaluating Match on 2024-11-24 between teams 14 and 8. Age of the match: 34 days Base k: 3650 Aged k: 3310 Both teams are active and both have the tag:mixed => Evaluating rating for tag: mixed. Ratings before. Winner: 1047.14 Opponent: 1044.32 A: -0.00705 B: 1.9839 Expected probability of the winner winning was 50.4%. Winner takes 16.41 from opponent. Both teams are active and both have the tag:overall => Evaluating rating for tag: overall. Ratings before. Winner: 1047.14 Opponent: 1044.32 A: -0.00705 B: 1.9839 Expected probability of the winner winning was 50.4%. Winner takes 16.41 from opponent.