How the Rating System Works
You can view a team’s rating by visiting their team page.
The rating system tracks your skill level based on match results, adjusting your score dynamically to reflect your performance. Here’s how it works:
- Starting Rating:
- Every team begins with a starting rating of 1000.00 points.
- Rating Adjustments: After each match, points are exchanged between the teams. The amount of points gained or lost depends on:
- The ratings of the teams before the match.
- The result of the match (win or loss).
- The expected outcome: Beating a stronger team earns you more points, while losing to a weaker team costs you more points.
- Time Effect on Matches:
- Points awarded for a match fade slowly over time.
- Matches older than one year no longer affect your rating. This ensures the system reflects your current performance and encourages regular play.
- Eligibility for Matches:
- Only matches between teams that have played at least three matches in the last year are considered in the system.
- A team’s rating starts at 1000.00 points from the first match they play, provided their opponent also meets this eligibility criterion.
- Fair and Dynamic:
- The system rewards consistent performance. Winning against higher-rated opponents moves your rating up quickly.
- Losing against lower-rated opponents reduces your rating more significantly.
- Teams with similar ratings competing will see smaller changes in their ratings.
- Why it Works: This system reflects your current skill level, encourages improvement, and ensures fair competition for everyone.